Spirography (lung examination)

Spirography is an examination during which lung volume and airway permeability during forced (maximum depth and speed) respiration are examined. The examination is able to determine the decrease in lung function, which occurs as a result of various lung diseases. The examination is of importance in the diagnosing and monitoring of treatment of common diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


  • severe heart disease and cardiac arrhythmias,
  • haemoptysis,
  • a recent stroke,
  • recent eye surgery,
  • recent chest or abdominal surgery,
  • immediately after bronchoscopy.

Carrying out the study

Your active participation in the study is important. The result depends to a large extent on the level of cooperation between you and the researcher and how closely you follow instructions.

During the study you will be standing and a special clamp will be used to close your nose. You will be asked to breathe through your mouth, making sure that your lips are sealed around the mouthpiece. Next, you will be asked to inhale as deeply as possible. When the lungs have been filled to capacity, you will need to exhale suddenly and completely at maximum speed (min.6 seconds). This breathing is repeated until at least three similar results are obtained. In order to evaluate the numerical indicators, they are compared to the reference values.

Health TestsPrice (€)
Spirography, i.e. testing of pulmonary function20