Veloergometer Stress Test

A veloergometer stress test helps to determine the ability of your heart to adapt to physical exertion, i.e. exercise tolerance. A cardiac stress test provides you with an overview of how well-trained your heart is. It is recommended that everyone 40 years of age or older undergo a cardiac stress test. It is also recommended that recreational athletes and those who are planning to start more intensive training also undergo a stress test. Young people and children who are engaged in sports or are planning to start sports should also undergo an exercise tolerance test. Changes in physical tolerance are generally revealed in an EKG during physical exercise, which is why the stress test is used to evaluate blood supply to the heart muscle. The stress test will be carried out by an appropriately trained doctor, sports doctor, rehabilitation doctor or cardiologist.

In our clinic, a cardiac stress test is performed on a veloergometer, i.e. a bicycle.

When is a stress test indicated?

The cardiac stress test is carried out for medical purposes in the following cases:

  • if you have two or more risk factors for heart disease. For example, your parents had a heart attack or ischaemic heart disease between the ages of 40 and 50,
  • if you have experienced or are experiencing symptoms that are suggestive of heart disease, such as chest pain, arrhythmias, difficulty breathing, dizziness and fainting, severe fatigue during exercise,
  • if you smoke,
  • if you are overweight,
  • if you are sedentary,
  • if you have elevated blood pressure,
  • if your blood cholesterol levels are above normal (HDL and LDL cholesterol levels should also be determined),
  • if you have diabetes,
  • to assess the reserves and effectiveness of treatment in patients suffering from cardiac and respiratory problems.

It is also recommended that a stress test be carried out for prophylactic purposes. For example, if you:

  • are planning to start a more intensive exercise program or other heavy physical exertion,
  • want to know what physical shape you are in,
  • want to know what kind of load your heart can bear or what kind of training load is suitable for you,
  • want to objectively assess the effectiveness of training,
  • want to detect hidden cardiovascular diseases.

The cardiac stress test evaluates:

  • whether the heart muscle receives enough blood during exercise (the existence and severity of ischaemic heart disease is assessed),
  • the maximum amount of stress tolerated by the test taker,
  • whether arrhythmias or changes in blood pressure occur during exercise,
  • whether the heart medications being used are sufficiently effective.

If you want a more in-depth review of your health along with various analyses, we recommend that you undergo a health audit. You can read about the health audit here:

We also perform cardiac stress tests for children staring at a height of 154 cm.

The stress test is free of charge with a referral from your family physician.

Health TestsPrice (€)
Veloergometer stress test95
Veloergometer stress test with family doctor’s referralfree of charge