Health Audit
We offer three different health audits. Choose a suitable package and book a suitable time for yourself.
Health Audit A1
Performed at the Nurse’s reception:
- hemogram (clinical blood test)
- blood sugar
- total cholesterol, HDL, LDL cholesterol
- creatinine
- triglycerides
- urine analysis with test strip
- vision test using eye chart,
- height, weight, body mass index determination,
- hearing test using audiometry,
- lung examination, pulmonary function test using spirography.
Heart examination:
- measurement of blood pressure and pulse,
- heart film – resting ECG.
Performed at the Doctors’s appointment:
- cardiovascular examination,
- listening, interpretation of results, explanation,
- lung examination. Listening, interpretation of results, explanation,
- musculoskeletal examination. Visual examination, interpretation and explanation of results,
- neurological exam. Visual examination, interpretation and explanation of results,
- clarification of the results of the analyses,
- individual advice.
Visit to optometrist, 25€:
- vision test,
- refraction,
- determining added magnifying power,
- fundus check,
- measurement of eye pressure,
- if necessary: fields of view.
Health Audit A2.
Performed at the Nurse’s reception:
- hemogram (clinical blood test),
- blood sugar,
- total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol,
- blood biochemistry tests: ALT, AST, GGT (cardiac and liver function indicators), iron, Ca calcium, Mg magnesium, creatinine, bilirubin, triglycerides (cardiac function indicators),
- C-reactive protein (CRP) test for inflammation,
- Urine analysis with test strip.
- vision test using eye chart,
- height, weight, body mass index determination,
- hearing test using audiometry,
- lung examination, pulmonary function test using spirography,
- heart examination: measuring blood pressure and pulse, heart film – resting ECG.
Performed at the Doctor’s appointment:
- cardiovascular examination. Listening, interpretation of results, explanation,
- lung examination. Hearing, interpretation of results, explanation,
- musculoskeletal control. Visual inspection, interpretation of results, explanation,
- neurological examination. Visual inspection, interpretation of results, explanation,
- clarification of the results of the analyses,
- individual advice.
Visit of optometrist, 25€:
- vision test,
- refraction,
- determining added magnifying power,
- fundus check,
- measurement of eye pressure,
- if necessary: fields of view.
Health Audit A3
Performed at the Nurse’s reception:
- hemogram (clinical blood test),
- blood sugar,
- glycosylated haemoglobin B-HbA1c,
- total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol,
- blood biochemistry tests: determination of ALT, AST, GGT (cardiac and liver function indicators), iron, Ca calcium, Mg magnesium, creatinine, bilirubin, triglycerides (cardiac function indicators),
- ferritin,
- vitamin D,
- vitamin B12,
- determining the C-reactive protein (CRP) ,
- for men: prostate-specific antigen S-PSA (66707),
- for women: thyrotropin or thyroid stimulating hormone S-TSH (66706),
- urine analysis with test strip.
- vision test using eye chart,
- height, weight, body mass index determination,
- hearing test using audiometry,
- lung examination, pulmonary function test using spirography,
- heart examination: measuring blood pressure and pulse, heart film – resting ECG.
Performed at the Doctor’s appointment:
- cardiovascular examination. Listening, interpretation of results, explanation,
- lung examination. Listening, interpretation of results, explanation,
- musculoskeletal examination. Visual examination, interpretation and explanation of results,
- neurological examination. Visual examination, interpretation and explanation of results,
- clarification of the results of the analyses,
- individual counselling.
Visit to optometrist, 25€:
- vision test,
- refraction,
- determining added magnifying power,
- fundus check,
- measurement of eye pressure,
- if necessary: fields of view.