City Tervisekliinik – We listen to you with heart!
City Tervisekliinik offers personalised medical assistance in a cosy and private environment. We will also help you with health counselling and carry out regular medical examinations and vaccinations.
Although the majority of our employees are focused on mental health, such as psychologists and psychiatrists, we employ more than thirty doctors and specialists – including a men’s doctor, a women’s doctor, a skin doctor, a heart doctor, a neurologist, a general practitioner, etc.
With our help, a number of examinations can be carried out: x-rays, ultrasound examinations, computer and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations. There are many different ways to determine the cause of your problems through blood and urine tests. We also perform rapid analyses – we measure C-reactive protein; perform rapid urine tests; measure blood sugar levels; prescribe an INR to patients who have been administered the anticoagulation medication warfarin; perform heart cardiograms and determine 24h rhythm cardiograms; measure lung volume; perform sleep apnoea studies, and more.

We are familiar with the bottlenecks found in the general and large medical system and try to do our best to avoid these problems and mistakes. The specialists working at our clinic are the top performers in their respective fields. In order to achieve the best results, it is possible to receive a complex service in our private clinic, where multiple specialists and doctors deal simultaneously with the patient’s problem.
Many positive words and a warm attitude from the doctor help in resolving health problems. It is an important opportunity for the patient to discuss their concerns with a professional who has time to listen to them. We will help you as privately as possible, and give you the personal assistance you need.
Medical and health care can only happen through very good cooperation between the doctor, nurse and patient. Our hope is that we are able to fulfil your expectations! It is important for us to ensure that all of our people and families are healthy.
City Tervisekliinik is located in the City Centre of Tallinn, on the 5th floor of the Foorum commercial building.
We have time and we are not in a hurry. We listen to you.